宝林Po Lam
宝马山Braemar Hill
鹤咀Hok Tsui
鳌磡石Ngau Hom Shek
湾仔区Wan Chai
观塘区Kwun Tong
钻石山Diamond Hill
?鱼涌Quarry Bay
一架保安严密的包机a chartered plane bristling with security
下令加强对手提行李的例行检查ordered more regular checks of carry-on luggage
大幅削减航班班次have cut back heavily on the frequecny of service
Twenty-eight flights were diverted to other airports.
手提行李hand luggage
日本运输相川崎二郎Minister of Transport Jiro Kawasaki
水压系统hydraulic system
可能偏离了原定的航行路线may have strayed from its flight path
只能维持八成服务could only operate at 80 per cent of its normal capacity
未能适应时差suffer from jet lag
Typhoon Sam had forced six flights to be cancelled and six others to be diverted earlier in the day.
Cathay is to reduce 20 per cent of its daily scheduled flights from today because of escalating industrial action by the pilots.
同时着眼自由行内地客的市场is also focusing on the individual mainland traveller market
地勤人员ground crew
在飞机上上网connect to the Internet in flight
在机场上空盘旋to circle around the airport
考虑在登机前对乘客进行呼吸测试,不准醉汉登机are considering pre-boarding breathalyzer tests to bar drunken barbarians at the gate
行李带baggage carousel
克服时差get over my jet lag
免税店duty-free shop
坐商务舱was travelling business class/was seated in business class
坐经济舱flying in economy/fly economy
坐头等舱was seated in the first-class cabin
把对乘客的影响减至最少keep passenger disruptions to a minimum
卸下某物something were offloaded
抵港班机arriving flight
空中小姐/空姐air stewardesses
空中交通指挥员air traffic controller
空中服务员/空姐flight attendant
空运中心/航空中心an air hub
客运大楼passenger terminal
be taken out of service
后补机师a replacement pilot/fill-in pilot
珍宝客机jumbo jet
迫使来港飞机转飞别处force incoming planes to divert
飞行时数flying time
飞行专家/航空专家aviation experts
飞行资历达一万一千小时had logged more than 11,000 hours' flying time
飞行奖赏frequent flyer points
飞返香港flying back to Hong Kong
Passenger flow at Hong Kong's Chek Lap Kok airport is down 80% since the SARS outbreak.
香港空运货站Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Ltd. (HACTL)
香港飞机工程有限公司Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Co (HAECO)
香港航空机组人员协会Aircrew Officers' Association
香港机场管理局行政总监彭定中Dr. Pang, David, Chief Executive Officer, Airport Authority Hong Kong
候机楼departure lounge
And allowing mainland airlines to fly via Hong Kong to onward destinations can only increase the traffic at Chek Lap Kok and secure its position as a regional hub.
航班资料显示系统the Flight Information Display systems
航班缩减minimal flight schedules
商务旅客business travellers
国际航空运输协会International Air Transport Association (IATA)
There will be many more direct flights connecting the mainland and other cities.
控制塔control tower
接受预订暑期机票taking bookings for summer flights
启程往洛杉矶took off for Los Angeles
被迫在海南岛紧急降落was forced to make an emergency landing on Hainan Island
货运服务瘫痪paralysing freight handling
货机cargo freighter/cargo plane
Flights to a number of destinations would be temporarily suspended.
单程机票one-way ticket
华航总经理魏幸雄China Airlines president Wei Hsing-hsiung
超级一号货站Super Terminal 1
跑道中央线runway centreline
开办香港至纽约的直航航线launch nonstop service from Hong Kong to New York
A new international airport with a capacity of 25 million passengers is opening in Guangzhou this summer to siphon travellers away from the territory's Chap Lap Kok airport.
新机场开幕混乱the airport opening chaos
新机场调查委员会the Commission of the New Airport Inquiry
新机场调查委员会主席胡国兴Mr. Justice Woo Kwok-hing
Flights over Christmas and the Lunar New Year would go ahead as scheduled.
对混乱表示抱歉和遗憾apologised and regretted the chaos
监督航空安全oversees aviation security
驾驶舱舱员cockpit crew
机师pilot (aircraft)
机票an air ticket/airline ticket/plane tickets
机场核心计划Airport Core Programme
机场能见度visibility at the airport
机管局前行政总监董诚亨Former Airport Authority chief executive Dr. Hank Townsend
燃油附加费fuel surcharges
缩班百分之五十slash their schedules by almost 50%
转飞某地to divert to somewhere
上海航空Shanghai Airlines
土耳其航空Turkish Airlines
大韩航空Korean Air
中国东方航空公司China Eastern Airlines
中国南方航空公司China Southern Airlines
中国国际航空公司Air China
中富航空CR Airways
中华航空China Airlines
巴西航空公司Varig Brazilian Airlines
巴基斯坦航空Pakistan International Airlines
日本亚细亚航空公司Japan Asia Airways
日本航空Japan Airlines
毛里裘斯航空Air Mauritius
以色列航空El Al Israel Airline Ltd.
加拿大航空Air Canada
北欧航空公司Scandinavian Airlines System
四川航空Sichuan Airlines
全日空航空All Nippon Airways
印尼嘉鲁达航空Garuda Indonesia
印度航空Air India Ltd.
沙地阿拉伯航空公司Saudi Arabian Airlines
文莱皇家航空公司Royal Brunei Airlines
East Asia Airlines Ltd.
孟加拉航空Biman Bangladesh Airlines
帛琉亚太航空公司Palau Asia Pacific Air, Inc
法国航空Air France
肯尼亚航空公司Kenya Airways
长青航空公司Evergreen International Airlines
长荣航空Eva Airways
阿联酋航空Emirates Airlines
俄罗斯航空Aeroflot Russian International Airlines
南非航空South African Airways
皇家尼泊尔航空Royal Nepal Airlines
皇家约旦航空公司Royal Jordanian
美国大陆航空Continental Airlines
美国西北航空Northwest Airlines Inc.
美国航空公司American Airlines
美国联合航空United Airlines
英国航空British Airways
香港华民航空有限公司Air Hong Kong
泰国天鹰航空Thai Sky
泰国东方航空Orient Thai
泰国国际航空公司Thai Airways International
海湾航空公司Gulf Air
纽西兰航空Air New Zealand
马来西亚航空Malaysian Airlines
曼谷航空公司Bangkok Airways
国泰航空Cathay Pacific Airways
宿雾太平洋航空Cebu Pacific
捷星亚洲航空Jetstar Asia
深圳航空公司Shenzhen Airlines
荷兰航空公司KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
斯里兰卡航空SriLankan Airlines
智利航空公司Lanchile Airlines
港联航空HongKong Express
湄公航空公司Mekong Airlines
华信航空公司Mandarin Airlines
菲律宾航空Philippine Airlines
菲鹰航空公司Air Philippines
越南太平洋Pacific Airlines
越南航空Vietnam Airlines
厦门航空Xiamen Airlines
意大利航空公司Alitalia Airliness
新加坡航空Singapore Airlines
新畿内亚航空公司Air Niugini
瑞士国际航空Swiss International Air Lines
达美航空公司Delta Airlines
维也纳航空公司Lauda Air
维珍航空Virgin Atlantic Airways
蒙古航空公司Miat Mongolian Airlines
德国汉莎航空Lufthansa German Airlines
缅甸国际航空Myanmar Airways International
墨西哥航空公司Mexicana Airlines
暹粒航空公司Siem Reap Airways
澳亚航空Australian Airlines
澳洲航空Qantas Airways
总统航空公司President Airlines
韩亚航空公司Asiana Airlines
上海浦东机场Pudong International Airport
广州白云机场Guangzhou's Baiyun international airport
(林巧英)在十月九日乘搭前往纽约的东方航空公司航班时,因被怀疑持有假护照而被捕was arrested on board a New York-bound Eastern Airline flight on October 9 on suspicion of having a forged passport
(前)入境事务处处长李少光Director of Immigration Ambrose Lee Siu-kwong
一名回港旅客a returning tourist
一名来港旅客an arriving passenger???
入境条例Immigration Ordinance
入境处首席入境事务主任梁炳焜 Leung Ping-kwan, Principle Immigration Officer (Investigation)
入境程序immigration procedures
已取得外国永久性居民身份的中国籍人士Chinese nationals with permanent residency abroad
已获发签证had already received their visas
不准上学have been barred from attending school
不会就个别的签证申请个案作出评论do not comment on individual visa cases
But there are no immediate plans to open Lowu around the clock.
中央政府放宽内地旅客来港的旅游限制the central government's relaxation of travel restrictions